Source code for mmtfPyspark.utils.columnarStructure

#!/user/bin/env python

Provides efficient access to structure information in the form of atom-based arrays.
Data are lazily initialized as needs.

__author__ = "Mars (Shih-Cheng) Huang"
__maintainer__ = "Mars (Shih-Cheng) Huang"
__email__ = ""
__version__ = "0.2.0"
__status__ = "Done"

import numpy as np

[docs]class ColumnarStructure(object): '''Column based data structure to efficiently access structure information Attributes ---------- structure : mmtfStructure mmtf structure firstModelOnly : bool use only the first model in a structure if True ''' def __init__(self, structure, firstModelOnly=True): # Set class variables self.numAtoms = 0 self.numChains = 0 self.numGroups = 0 self.numModels = 0 self.atomNames = None self.atomToChainIndices = None self.atomToGroupIndices = None self.chainIds = None self.chainNames = None self.chemCompType = None self.elements = None self.entityTypes = None self.entityChainIndex = None self.entityIndices = None self.groupNames = None self.groupNumbers = None self.groupToAtomIndices = None self.polymer = None self.sequencePositions = None self.structure = structure self.groupToAtomIndices = None self.chainToAtomIndices = None self.chainToGroupIndices = None if firstModelOnly: self.numModels = 1 else: self.numModels = structure.num_models
[docs] def get_group_to_atom_indices(self): if self.groupToAtomIndices is None: self.get_indices() return self.groupToAtomIndices
[docs] def get_chain_to_atom_indices(self): if self.chainToAtomIndices is None: self.get_indices() return self.chainToAtomIndices
[docs] def get_chain_to_group_indices(self): if self.chainToGroupIndices is None: self.get_indices return self.chainToGroupIndices
[docs] def get_num_atoms(self): self.get_indices() return self.numAtoms
[docs] def get_num_groups(self): self.get_indices() return self.numGroups
[docs] def get_num_chains(self): self.get_indices() return self.numChains
[docs] def get_num_models(self): self.get_indices() return self.numModels
[docs] def get_x_coords(self): return self.structure.x_coord_list
[docs] def get_y_coords(self): return self.structure.y_coord_list
[docs] def get_z_coords(self): return self.structure.z_coord_list
[docs] def get_occupancies(self): return self.structure.occupancy_list
[docs] def get_b_factors(self): return self.structure.b_factor_list
[docs] def get_alt_loc_list(self): if not self.structure.alt_loc_set: self.structure = self.structure.set_alt_loc_list() return self.structure.alt_loc_list
[docs] def get_group_types(self): return self.structure.group_type_list
[docs] def get_atom_to_group_indices(self): if self.atomToGroupIndices is None: self.atomToGroupIndices = np.empty( self.get_num_atoms(), dtype='>i4') for i in range(self.get_num_groups()): start = self.groupToAtomIndices[i] end = self.groupToAtomIndices[i + 1] self.atomToGroupIndices[start:end] = i return self.atomToGroupIndices
[docs] def get_chem_comp_types(self): if self.chemCompType is None: # Max chemCompType has 17 characters self.chemCompType = np.empty( self.get_num_atoms(), dtype=np.object_) self.groupTypeIndices = self.get_group_types() for i in range(self.get_num_groups()): index = self.groupTypeIndices[i] value = self.structure.group_list[index]['chemCompType'] start = self.groupToAtomIndices[i] end = self.groupToAtomIndices[i + 1] self.chemCompType[start:end] = value return self.chemCompType
[docs] def get_elements(self): if self.elements is None: self.elements = np.empty(self.get_num_atoms(), dtype=np.object_) self.groupTypeIndices = self.get_group_types() for i in range(self.get_num_groups()): index = self.groupTypeIndices[i] elementNames = self.structure.group_list[index]['elementList'] start = self.groupToAtomIndices[i] end = self.groupToAtomIndices[i + 1] self.elements[start:end] = elementNames return self.elements
[docs] def get_atom_names(self): if self.atomNames is None: # in case of 2 cjacter group + 3 digits self.atomNames = np.empty(self.get_num_atoms(), dtype=np.object_) self.groupTypeIndices = self.get_group_types() for i in range(self.get_num_groups()): index = self.groupTypeIndices[i] atomNames = self.structure.group_list[index]['atomNameList'] start = self.groupToAtomIndices[i] end = self.groupToAtomIndices[i + 1] self.atomNames[start:end] = atomNames return self.atomNames
[docs] def get_entity_types(self): if self.entityTypes is None: self.entityTypes = np.empty(self.get_num_atoms(), dtype=np.object_) # Instantiate required data self.is_polymer() self.get_chem_comp_types() self.get_elements() self.get_group_names() for i in range(self.get_num_groups()): start = self.groupToAtomIndices[i] end = self.groupToAtomIndices[i + 1] poly = self.polymer[start] ccType = self.chemCompType[start] if poly: if "PEPTIDE" in ccType: eType = "PRO" elif "DNA" in ccType: eType = "DNA" elif "RNA" in ccType: eType = "RNA" elif "SACCHARIDE" in ccType: eType = "PSR" else: eType = "UNK" elif (self.groupNames[start] == "HOH" or self.groupNames[start] == "DOD"): eType = "WAT" elif "SACCHARIDE" in ccType: eType = "SAC" else: # If group contains at least one carbon atom, it is # considered organic, but see expection below organic = False for j in range(start, end): if self.elements[j] == "C": organic = True break # Handle exceptions: carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, # cyanide ion are considered inorganic if self.groupNames[start] == "CO2" or \ self.groupNames[start] == "CMO" or \ self.groupNames[start] == "CYN": organic = False if organic: eType = "LGO" else: eType = "LGI" self.entityTypes[start:end] = eType return self.entityTypes
[docs] def get_group_names(self): if self.groupNames is None: self.groupNames = np.empty(self.get_num_atoms(), dtype=np.object_) self.groupTypeIndices = self.structure.group_type_list for i in range(self.get_num_groups()): index = self.groupTypeIndices[i] value = self.structure.group_list[index]['groupName'] start = self.groupToAtomIndices[i] end = self.groupToAtomIndices[i + 1] self.groupNames[start:end] = value return self.groupNames
[docs] def get_group_numbers(self): if self.groupNumbers is None: # In case of 4 digit group id + 2 ins code self.groupNumbers = np.empty( self.get_num_atoms(), dtype=np.object_) for i in range(self.get_num_groups()): value = str(self.structure.group_id_list[i]) insCode = self.structure.ins_code_list[i] if insCode != "\x00": value += insCode start = self.groupToAtomIndices[i] end = self.groupToAtomIndices[i + 1] self.groupNumbers[start:end] = value return self.groupNumbers
[docs] def get_chain_ids(self): if self.chainIds is None: self.chainIds = np.empty(self.get_num_atoms(), dtype=np.object_) for i in range(self.get_num_chains()): start = self.chainToAtomIndices[i] end = self.chainToAtomIndices[i + 1] self.chainIds[start:end] = self.structure.chain_id_list[i] return self.chainIds
[docs] def get_chain_names(self): if self.chainNames is None: self.chainNames = np.empty(self.get_num_atoms(), dtype=np.object_) for i in range(self.get_num_chains()): start = self.chainToAtomIndices[i] end = self.chainToAtomIndices[i + 1] self.chainNames[start:end] = self.structure.chain_name_list[i] return self.chainNames
[docs] def is_polymer(self): if self.polymer is None: # TODO: Numpy bool type is different than python bools, might need to fix self.polymer = np.empty(self.get_num_atoms(), dtype=bool) self.get_chain_to_entity_index() for i in range(self.get_num_chains()): index = self.entityChainIndex[i] start = self.chainToAtomIndices[i] end = self.chainToAtomIndices[i + 1] poly = self.structure.entity_list[index]['type'] == 'polymer' self.polymer[start:end] = poly return self.polymer
[docs] def get_entity_indices(self): if self.entityIndices is None: self.entityIndices = np.empty( self.get_num_atoms(), dtype=np.object_) self.get_chain_to_entity_index() for i in range(self.get_num_chains()): start = self.chainToAtomIndices[i] end = self.chainToAtomIndices[i + 1] self.entityIndices[start:end] = self.entityChainIndex[i] return self.entityIndices
[docs] def get_atom_to_chain_indices(self): if self.atomToChainIndices is None: self.atomToChainIndices = np.empty( self.get_num_atoms(), dtype='>i4') for i in range(self.get_num_chains()): start = self.chainToAtomIndices[i] end = self.chainToAtomIndices[i + 1] self.atomToChainIndices[start:end] = i return self.atomToChainIndices
[docs] def get_sequence_positions(self): if self.sequencePositions is None: self.sequencePositions = np.empty( self.get_num_atoms(), dtype='>i4') groupSequenceIndices = self.structure.sequence_index_list for i in range(self.get_num_groups()): value = groupSequenceIndices[i] start = self.groupToAtomIndices[i] end = self.groupToAtomIndices[i + 1] self.sequencePositions[start:end] = value return self.sequencePositions
[docs] def get_chain_to_entity_index(self): '''Returns an array that maps a chain index to an entity index Returns ------- :obj:`array <numpy.ndarray>` index that maps chain index to an entity index ''' if self.entityChainIndex is None: self.entityChainIndex = np.empty( self.structure.num_chains, dtype='>i4') for i, entity in enumerate(self.structure.entity_list): chainIndexList = entity['chainIndexList'] self.entityChainIndex[chainIndexList] = i return self.entityChainIndex
[docs] def get_indices(self): if self.groupToAtomIndices is None: self.groupToAtomIndices = np.empty( self.structure.num_groups + 1, dtype='>i4') self.chainToAtomIndices = np.empty( self.structure.num_chains + 1, dtype='>i4') self.chainToGroupIndices = np.empty( self.structure.num_chains + 1, dtype='>i4') chainCount, groupCount, atomCount = 0, 0, 0 # Loop over all models for m in range(self.numModels): # Loop over all chains for i in range(self.structure.chains_per_model[m]): self.chainToAtomIndices[chainCount] = atomCount self.chainToGroupIndices[chainCount] = groupCount # Loop over all groups in chain for j in range(self.structure.groups_per_chain[i]): groupType = self.structure.group_type_list[groupCount] self.groupToAtomIndices[groupCount] = atomCount atomsInGroup = len( self.structure.group_list[groupType]['formalChargeList']) groupCount += 1 atomCount += atomsInGroup chainCount += 1 self.groupToAtomIndices[groupCount] = atomCount self.chainToAtomIndices[chainCount] = atomCount self.chainToGroupIndices[chainCount] = groupCount self.numAtoms = atomCount self.numGroups = groupCount self.numChains = chainCount if self.numAtoms < self.structure.num_atoms: self.groupToAtomIndices = self.groupToAtomIndices[:groupCount + 1] self.chainToAtomIndices = self.chainToAtomIndices[:chainCount + 1] self.chainToGroupIndices = self.chainToGroupIndices[:chainCount + 1]