Source code for mmtfPyspark.mappers.structureToPolymerSequences

#!/user/bin/env python

This mapper maps a structure to it's polypeptides, polynucleotide chain sequences.
For a multi-model structure, only the first model is considered.

__author__ = "Mars (Shih-Cheng) Huang"
__maintainer__ = "Mars (Shih-Cheng) Huang"
__email__ = ""
__version__ = "0.2.0"
__status__ = "Done"

[docs]class StructureToPolymerSequences(object): '''This mapper maps a structure to it's polypeptides, polynucleotide chain sequences. For a multi-model structure, only the first model is considered. ''' def __init__(self, useChainIdInsteadOfChainName=False, excludeDuplicates=False): '''Extracts all polymer chains from a structure. If the argument is set to true, the assigned key is: <PDB ID.Chain ID>, where Chain ID is the unique identifier assigned to each molecular entity in an mmCIF file. This Chain ID corresponds to `_atom_site.label_asym_id <>`_ field in an mmCIF file. Parameters ---------- useChainIdInsteadOfChainName : bool if true, use the Chain Id in the key assignments excludeDuplicates : bool if true, return only one chain for each unique sequence= t[1] ''' self.useChainIdInsteadOfChainName = useChainIdInsteadOfChainName self.excludeDuplicates = excludeDuplicates def __call__(self, t): structure = t[1] sequences = list() seqSet = set() chainToEntityIndex = self._get_chain_to_entity_index(structure) for i in range(structure.chains_per_model[0]): polymer = structure.entity_list[chainToEntityIndex[i]]['type'] == 'polymer' if polymer: key = t[0] if '.' in key: key = key.split('.')[0] key += '.' if self.useChainIdInsteadOfChainName: key += structure.chain_id_list[i] else: key += structure.chain_name_list[i] if self.excludeDuplicates: if chainToEntityIndex[i] in seqSet: continue seqSet.add(chainToEntityIndex[i]) sequences.append( (key, structure.entity_list[chainToEntityIndex[i]]['sequence'])) return sequences def _get_chain_to_entity_index(self, structure): entityChainIndex = [0] * structure.num_chains for i in range(len(structure.entity_list)): for j in structure.entity_list[i]['chainIndexList']: entityChainIndex[j] = i return entityChainIndex