Source code for mmtfPyspark.mappers.structureToInteractingResidues

#!/user/bin/env python

Convert a full format of the file to a reduced format

__author__ = "Mars (Shih-Cheng) Huang"
__maintainer__ = "Mars (Shih-Cheng) Huang"
__email__ = ""
__version__ = "0.2.0"
__status__ = "done"
from pyspark.sql import Row

[docs]class StructureToInteractingResidues(object): def __init__(self, groupName, cutoffDistance): self.groupName = groupName self.cutoffDistance = cutoffDistance def __call__(self, t): structureId = t[0] structure = t[1] groupIndices, groupNames = self._get_group_indices(structure) neighbors = [] for i in range(len(groupName)): if groupNames[i] == self.groupName: matches = [] boundingBox = self._calc_bonding_box( structure, groupIndices, i, self.cutoffDistance) matches += self._find_neighbors(structure, index, boudingBox, groupIndices) neighbors += self._get_distance_profile(structureId, matches, i, groupIndices, groupNames, structure) return neighbors def _get_distance_profile(self, structureId, matches, index, groupIndices, groupNames, structure): cutoffDistanceSq = cutoffDistance * cutoffDistance x = structure.x_coord_list y = structure.y_coord_list z = structure.z_coord_list first = groupIndices(index) last = groupIndices(index + 1) rows = [] for i in matches: if i == index: continue minDSq = float('inf') minIndex = -1 for j in range(groupIndices[i], groupIndices[i + 1]): for k in range(first, last): dx = x[j] - x[k] dy = y[j] - y[k] dz = z[j] - z[k] dSq = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz if (dSq <= cutoffDistanceSq and dSq < minDSq): minDSq = min(minDSq, dSq) minIndex = i if minIndex >= 0: # TODO add unique group (and atom?) for each group? row = Row(structureId, groupNames[index], index, groupNames.get(minIndex), minIndex, float(minDSq**0.5)) rows.append(row) return rows def _find_neighbors(self, structure, index, boundingBox, groupIndices): x = structure.x_coord_list y = structure.y_coord_list z = structure.z_coord_list matches = [] for i in range(len(groupIndices) - 1): for j in range(groupIndices[i], groupIndices[i + 1]): if (x[j] >= boundingBox[0] and x[j] <= boundingBox[1] and y[j] >= boundingBox[2] and y[j] <= boundingBox[3] and z[j] >= boundindBox[4] and z[j] <= boundingBox[5]): matches.append(i) break return matches def _calc_bonding_box(self, structure, groupIndices, i, cutoffDistance): x = structure.x_coord_list y = structure.y_coord_list z = structure.z_coord_list xMin = -float('inf') xMax = float('inf') yMin = -float('inf') yMax = float('inf') zMin = -float('inf') zMax = float('inf') first = groupIndices[i] last = groupIndices[i + 1] for i in range(first, last): xMin = min(xMin, x[i]) xMax = max(xMax, x[i]) yMin = min(yMin, y[i]) yMax = max(yMax, y[i]) zMin = min(zMin, z[i]) zMax = max(zMax, z[i]) boundingBox = [0] * 6 boundingBox[0] = float(xMin - cutoffDistance) boundingBox[1] = float(xMax + cutoffDistance) boundingBox[2] = float(yMin - cutoffDistance) boundingBox[3] = float(yMax + cutoffDistance) boundingBox[4] = float(zMin - cutoffDistance) boundingBox[5] = float(zMax + cutoffDistance) return boundingBox def _get_group_indices(self, structure): groupIndices = [0] groupNames = [] atomCounter = 0 groupCounter = 0 numChains = structure.chains_per_model[0] for i in range(numChains): for j in range(structure.groups_per_chain[i]): groupIndex = structure.group_type_list[groupCounter] groupNames.append( structure.group_list[groupIndex]['groupName']) atomCounter += len( structure.group_list[group_Index]['atomNameList']) groupIndices.append(atomCounter) groupCounter += 1 return groupIndices, groupNames