Filter Exclusively By L Protein Demo

Simple example of reading an MMTF Hadoop Sequence file, filtering the entries exclusively by LProtein, and counting the number of entries. This example shows how methods can be chained for a more concise syntax.


In [2]:
from pyspark import SparkConf, SparkContext
from import mmtfReader
from mmtfPyspark.filters import ContainsLProteinChain
from mmtfPyspark.structureViewer import view_structure

Configure Spark

In [3]:
conf = SparkConf().setMaster("local[*]") \
sc = SparkContext(conf = conf)

Read in MMTF Files, filter by L protein, and count the entries

In [4]:
path =  "../../resources/mmtf_reduced_sample/"

structures = mmtfReader.read_sequence_file(path, sc) \
                .filter(ContainsLProteinChain(exclusive = True))

print(f"Number of L-Proteins: {structures.count()}")
Number of L-Proteins: 4506

Visualize Structures

In [5]:
structure_names = structures.keys().collect()
view_structure(structure_names, style='sphere')
<function mmtfPyspark.structureViewer.view_structure.<locals>.view3d>

Terminate Spark

In [6]: