Filter By Resolution Demo

Example of reading an MMTF Hadoop Sequence file, filtering the entires by resolution, and counting the number of entires.

Understand PDB data resolution


In [1]:
from pyspark import SparkConf, SparkContext
from import mmtfReader
from mmtfPyspark.filters import Resolution
from mmtfPyspark.structureViewer import view_structure

Configure Spark

In [2]:
conf = SparkConf().setMaster("local[*]") \
sc = SparkContext(conf = conf)

Read in MMTF Files

In [3]:
path = "../../resources/mmtf_reduced_sample/"

pdb = mmtfReader.read_sequence_file(path, sc)

Filter by resolution

Entires without resolution values (eg. NMR structures) will be filtered out

In [4]:
pdb = pdb.filter(Resolution(0.0,2.0))

Count number of entires

In [5]:
count = pdb.count()

print(f"Number of structures  : {count}")
Number of structures  : 1959

Visualize Structures

In [6]:
structure_names = pdb.keys().collect()
<function mmtfPyspark.structureViewer.view_structure.<locals>.view3d>

Terminate Spark

In [7]: