Simple Zinc Interaction Analysis Example


In [1]:
from pyspark import SparkConf, SparkContext
from mmtfPyspark.datasets import groupInteractionExtractor
from import mmtfReader
from mmtfPyspark.webfilters import Pisces

Configure Spark

In [2]:
conf = SparkConf().setMaster("local[*]") \

sc = SparkContext(conf = conf)

Read PDB in MMTF format

In [3]:
path = "../../resources/mmtf_full_sample/"

pdb = mmtfReader.read_sequence_file(path, sc)

Use only representative structures

In [4]:
seqId = 40
resolution = 2.0

pdb = pdb.filter(Pisces(seqId, resolution))

Extract proteins with Zn interactions

In [5]:
finder = groupInteractionExtractor("ZN",3)

interactions = finder.get_dataset(pdb).cache()

List the top 10 residue types that interact with Zn

In [6]:

print(f"Number of interactions: {interactions.count()}")
 |-- structureId: string (nullable = false)
 |-- residue1: string (nullable = false)
 |-- atom1: string (nullable = false)
 |-- element1: string (nullable = false)
 |-- index1: integer (nullable = false)
 |-- residue2: string (nullable = false)
 |-- atom2: string (nullable = false)
 |-- element2: string (nullable = false)
 |-- index2: integer (nullable = false)
 |-- distance: float (nullable = false)

|structureId|residue1|atom1|element1|index1|residue2|atom2|element2|index2| distance|
|       1FN9|      ZN|   ZN|      Zn|   730|     CYS|   SG|       S|    50|2.3709755|
|       1FN9|      ZN|   ZN|      Zn|   730|     CYS|   SG|       S|    53|2.3940797|
|       1FN9|      ZN|   ZN|      Zn|   730|     HIS|  NE2|       N|    70|2.2196307|
|       1FN9|      ZN|   ZN|      Zn|   730|     CYS|   SG|       S|    72|2.3465357|
|       1FN9|      ZN|   ZN|      Zn|   731|     CYS|   SG|       S|   415|2.3747551|
|       1FN9|      ZN|   ZN|      Zn|   731|     CYS|   SG|       S|   418|2.3680198|
|       1FN9|      ZN|   ZN|      Zn|   731|     HIS|  NE2|       N|   435|2.1647959|
|       1FN9|      ZN|   ZN|      Zn|   731|     CYS|   SG|       S|   437|2.3763454|
|       1E4M|      ZN|   ZN|      Zn|   519|     HIS|  CE1|       C|    53|2.9807622|
|       1E4M|      ZN|   ZN|      Zn|   519|     HIS|  NE2|       N|    53| 2.040789|
|       1E4M|      ZN|   ZN|      Zn|   519|     ASP|   CG|       C|    67| 2.754825|
|       1E4M|      ZN|   ZN|      Zn|   519|     ASP|  OD1|       O|    67|2.8967845|
|       1E4M|      ZN|   ZN|      Zn|   519|     ASP|  OD2|       O|    67|1.9672809|
|       1BF6|      ZN|   ZN|      Zn|   582|     HIS|  NE2|       N|    10|2.2776458|
|       1BF6|      ZN|   ZN|      Zn|   582|     HIS|  NE2|       N|    12|2.1644206|
|       1BF6|      ZN|   ZN|      Zn|   582|     GLU|  OE2|       O|   123|2.3778422|
|       1BF6|      ZN|   ZN|      Zn|   582|     ASP|  OD1|       O|   241|  2.41581|
|       1BF6|      ZN|   ZN|      Zn|   583|     GLU|   CD|       C|   123|2.7811828|
|       1BF6|      ZN|   ZN|      Zn|   583|     GLU|  OE1|       O|   123|2.1997967|
|       1BF6|      ZN|   ZN|      Zn|   583|     HIS|  ND1|       N|   156|2.2733805|
only showing top 20 rows

Number of interactions: 238

Show the top 10 interacting groups

In [7]:
interactions.groupBy("residue2") \
            .count() \
            .sort("count", ascending = False) \
|     HIS|   76|
|     CYS|   43|
|     HOH|   37|
|     GLU|   34|
|     ASP|   27|
|     ACT|   12|
|     TRP|    4|
|     LYS|    2|
|     VAL|    2|
|      CL|    1|

Terminate Spark

In [8]: